1) Will I be able to search for my own child?
Absolutely! In fact we encourage an “all hands on deck” approach to the matching process. By this we mean that we will provide you with websites and other resources that will enable you to search for your own placement simultaneously to our searching efforts.
2) How long does it take to be placed with an infant?
That depends. Because we are completely dependent upon the birth mother’s decision making time frame – there is no way to predict how long this will take. However, we do make every effort within our ability to move the process along as quickly as possible.
3) Can a birthmother change her mind after she has agreed to place her baby for adoption?
Yes and No. In the state of Ohio a birthmother cannot surrender her parental rights until 72 hours after delivery. She can take longer than that, but not before. If she agrees to place her child for adoption before she delivers then she can change her mind. Once she has permanently surrendered after the 72 hours – she cannot change her mind.
4) Can we choose an open or closed adoption?
The decision to have an open or closed adoption is between the birthparents and the adoptive parents. Generally the two parties decide this prior to the adoption taking place. While our agency expects for all parties to keep their word regarding the level of openness they have decided (pictures, letters, emails, or nothing at all) please note that any agreement about openness is not legally binding once the adoption has been finalized in court.
5) Who do I talk to with questions or concerns?
You may contact one of our compassionate social workers or counselors 24/7 with questions or if you just need support. We are here to help you through every stage of the adoption process!
6) What are the different types of adoption?
Domestic Adoption:
Adopting from within the 50 states or U.S. territories.
International Adoption:
Adopting a child who is a citizen of a different country than the adopting parent(s).
Closed Adoption
A closed adoption is an adoption in which no identifying information about the birthfamily or the adoptive family is shared between the two. Additionally there is no contact between birthparents and adoptive parents. The adoptive family usually receives non-identifying information about the child and the birthfamily before placement. In a closed adoption, after finalization, the records are sealed. Depending on local law and what paperwork was signed and filed at the finalization these records may or may not be available to the adopted child upon their 18th birthday.
Open Adoption
An open adoption allows for some form of association between the birthfamily, adoptees, and adoptive parents. This can range from picture and letter sharing, to phone calls, contact through an intermediary, or open contact between the parties themselves. Many adoptions of older children and teens are at least partially open, since the children may know identifying or contact information about members of their birthfamilies, or may want to stay in touch with siblings placed separately.
Agency versus Private Adoption
An agency adoption is one that is arranged by a public or private adoption agency. A private adoption is arranged through an intermediary such as a lawyer, physician, or other facilitator, rather than through a licensed adoption agency.
Usually private adoptions involve infants who are healthy or believed to be healthy. They often do not include counseling for the birthparents or parent preparation for the adoptive parents, and are not legal in all states. Children adopted through private adoptions are not usually eligible for adoption assistance for special needs that may not have been noticeable at birth.Such adoptions can be open adoptions, but this is not always the case. Private adoptions should not be confused with private agency adoptions.
Foster to Adopt Adoptions
When a foster child is placed into a home as a foster child, with the expectation that the child will become legally free for adoption and be adopted by the foster parents. Children may also be adopted directly from the foster care system without the period of fostering.
7) What financial resources are available to offset the cost of adopting?
There are many assistance programs available to help with adoption costs. Some programs are loans and some are grants.
www.ggam.org (God’s grace adoption ministry)
www.hflasf.org (The Hebrew free loan association)
Some states offer a non-recurring adoption expense reimbursement. Families may be able to apply for reimbursement of adoption related expenses. These expenses may include the homestudy fee, costs for travel to meet the child, attorney’s fees, etc. Each State sets a cap for the maximum amount of reimbursement, which cannot exceed $2,000. You must apply for this benefit before your adoption is final. The North American Council on Adoptable Children offers information on state adoption subsidies. www.nacac.org
Certain employers may provide financial assistance to employees who are adopting. Check with your human resources department.
Other Adoption Resources